ORTEK.Supertechnologies. 09.04.05
" Account materials for laser and jet printers "
It is organized by our friends, and there it will be very interesting. All, that is necessary for refilling and repair cartriges, foremen - classes and free-of-charge!
The exact name :)
RechargEast Trade Show & Summer Camp
May 24-29, 2005. Moscow, Russia.
Here details -->http://www.rechargeastshow.com
Attention! To the spamers I announce boycott.
Essentially I do not buy and I do not apply that advertise the poganee spamers. Everyone should understand to himself - using illegal
and immoral ways of advertising, itself is immoral and the sham.
I announce about start of new style in formatting Site.
If you want completely to receive performance about it, I ask attentively to read this advice on adjustment of your browser.

The browser "Internet Explorer".
Open bookmark "View".
Remove tag in the line: "Status Bar".
Open secondary bookmark: "Toolbar" and remove all tags.
The browser "Netscape".
Open bookmark "View".
Open secondary bookmark: "Review" and remove all tags.
I advise, to establish the size of a sheet of the browser in limits 350Õ500 pic. The browser will accept a compact kind and will occupy less places on your desktop.
Simultaneously with opening of this page In the left part of your desktop there is a sheet with a table of contents of all site. It you now see.
Leaves of each unit of a site you can open and get acquainted with them separately, both shift, and compare, and even to thrust them for edge(territory) of the screen.
If necessary you can open everyone leave on the size of all desktop.
We think, that you estimate all convenience offered this style of veb-design.
Main | About firm "ORTEK"| News | Properties of the Reanimater| Application of the Reanimater|
Price-list for Reanimater| Properties of ink| Application of the ink| Price-list for ink| Packing know-how|Sensor of the fuel charge|Our partners|TERRIBLE HISTORIES About PRINTERS, CARTRIGES And INK|Inventions| Contact|Responses
© Copyright Arkady Orlov. E-mail:ortek@kaluga.ru